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Writer's pictureDream-I Education

Western Sensory Bin

Updated: Mar 11, 2021

Howdy partner! Create a realistic looking Western Sensory Bin using interesting and hands-on materials. This sensory bin allows young learners to use their imagination and pretend to be a cowboy in the west! This activity can also be used to teach math concepts like counting cowboy hats.


Materials Needed

1. Sensory bin

2. Brown crinkled paper

3. Gold pebbles

4. Miniature cowboy play set

(Cowboy, horse, cacti, cow, lasso, etc.)

5, Miniature hay bales

6. Miniature rocks

7. Miniature rakes

8. Natural sea sponges

9. Miniature cowboy hats

10. Miniature fence (optional)



1. Fill the sensory bin with brown crinkle paper to represent dirt.


2. Add the miniature fence (optional) and figurines. We got a cowboy play set that came with a fence, horse, and cow. Then, we added some miniature cacti.


3. Add the miniature hay bales anywhere you wish.


4. Add the gold pebbles, rakes, or any other scoopers to represent gold mining. Feel free to add any other props you have at home that is related to cowboy or country life. We added some miniature rocks and natural sea sponges to represent tumbleweed.


5. Add some cowboy hats for counting.



Additional Resources

Recommended Book Reading: Cowboy Small by Lois Lenski

Cowboy Small Synopsis: Cowboy Small Synopsis

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